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Ascot and Cranbourne Pre-school


Pre-School Logo


Every child is a unique individual with their own characteristics and temperament.   Ascot & Cranbourne Pre-School uses Development matters as its guidance for the early years curriculum, alongside the children being the most important part of the curriculum we plan using our knowledge of the current children.

Children develop in individual ways and at varying rates. Every area of development – physical, cognitive, linguistic, spiritual, social, and emotional, is equally important.  The development will no longer be judged according to age but by developmental rates. Play and other imaginative and creative activities help children to make sense of their experience and transform their knowledge, fostering cognitive development.


‘Play is important’


Children learn better by ‘doing’ and by doing things with other people rather than just being told what to do.


Staff & Key Working


The current staff members are all trained. All staff are vetted regularly with criminal records bureau checks. We operate a 1:8 ratio staff to children over 3 years old and 1:4 on a child aged 2-3 years. The manager or a senior member of staff is always present on each day and more often both are in attendance. The information below talks about the relationship we have with you as parents are our role with your child once they attend the setting.


Parents as Partners


Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators.  When parents and teachers work together in early year settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.

We offer the opportunity once a term to visit the Pre-School in an open afternoon to discuss with your Child's key worker your Child's development and progress, if this is not possible then we offer a mini update report and a phone call.


Definition of a Key Person

A key person has special responsibilities for working with a small number of children, giving them the reassurance to feel safe and cared for, and building relationships with their parents.

Your child’s key person will make observations of your child during the time they are with us.  They do this in order to understand and consider your child's current interests, development, and learning.   Using Development matters, the areas of learning and development that will be observed are as follows:


-Personal, social, emotional Development                   - Literacy

-Physical Development                                                - Mathematics

-Communication & Language                                     -Understanding the World

                                                                                    - Expressive Arts and design


please click for more information:



Admission Policy

The Pre-School’s policy of equal opportunities makes its services available to every family in the local community, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, or disability.  The Pre-School’s waiting list is operated on an application-date order basis, but we only have space for a limited number of 2-year-olds per session. To join the waiting list, a waiting list application form must be completed, and a £30.00 registration fee paid (non-refundable). The application form is available online and the registration fee may be paid at the Pre-School via cash or cheque or bank transfer. Please note that joining the waiting list will not guarantee your child a place, as availability varies from term to term, although we do our best to accommodate as many children as possible.

Please take some time to read through our prospectus, before completing and returning the application form to join the waiting list to our manager at the school.


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Special Educational Needs

At Ascot & Cranbourne pre-school we have arrangements to support children with SEN or disabilities. These arrangements would include a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEN.

The benefits of early identification are widely recognised - identifying needs at the earliest point, and then making effective provision improves long-term outcomes for children.

DfE and DH (2015) SEN and disability code of practice: 0-25 years, para 5.4

You can view Ascot & Cranbourne Pre School's Local offer on the following website


Our Inclusion officer is Mrs Hannah Myatt & Mrs Sabine Jones


Charitable status


Ascot & Cranbourne Pre–School is run by a committee of parents elected annually at the AGM.

The committee is dedicated to giving the Pre-School all the help and encouragement it needs.  A list of the committee members and their duties is on the notice board at the school.  The committee is responsible for fundraising and making financial decisions, and is always available to listen to new ideas. The committee is always looking for new members and helpers.

The Pre-School is registered with the charities commission (no 280438) (link) which enables us to hold fundraising events, at which your support is essential.  All funds raised are invested in new equipment for the children.

As a charity, we rely on parents’ contributions of time and effort.  All help no matter how small is always welcome.

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